Sassy Esoterics

Sassy Astro Mini with Susan Grace - Mars Retrograde 2020

Episode Summary

If you're like us, you're probably looking at everything that's happening in the world right now and thinking, "WTF is going on?" Our friend and favorite astrologer, Susan Grace, is here to tell us. She's got explanations and practical advice for how to navigate the last two months of 2020. Strap in, Buttercup! We're in for quite a ride!

Episode Notes

Astrologer Susan Grace is here to talk about Mars Retrograde - and all of the other big movements in the heavens - for the last couple of months of 2020, the year that will go down as the one that gave us a global pandemic, protests, riots, the death of Notorious RBG, and murder hornets.

And yes - there's probably more to come. Hold on! We're gonna make it - Susan promised us.

Follow and Work with Susan Grace:

Join her membership community, Be The Evidence - one of Sarah and Alainna's favorite resources!

Listen to her Be the Evidence podcast


Follow and Work with Alainna Garlick:

Facebook Page - Peace Lilith - Transition Doula

Instagram - @Peace.Lilith


Follow and Work with Sarah Familar-Ragsdale

Instagram - @21stCenturyPriestess

MoonDay Sermons on YouTube